Desktop Earth

Desktop Earth

While surfing BlogMad (if you want to be invited, let me know), I came across Damien’s Blog who linked to a cool desktop background program called Desktop Earth. This cool app puts a “live” image of the globe on your desktop and if you have a broadband connection it will even put in real “live” (actually about 3-6 hour delay) cloud cover. I have always dug the night images of the earth too. Check it out!

Categories: Computer Tags:
  1. March 12th, 2006 at 07:53 | #1

    That’s neat. Anything is possible today, isn’t it?

  2. July 9th, 2006 at 15:20 | #2

    Mac users (and Windows too) can try EarthDesk to get a similar effect… with real time clouds… all updated as often as once a minute. where you can download a free trial version.

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