Remember when Obama said that Obamacare would save the average family $2,500 per year on insurance premiums? Yeah, it didn’t exactly happen. In fact, it wasn’t even close. In fact, premiums have gone up by nearly $5,000. Yay government!
From Investors Business Daily:
Employer-based health insurance premiums climbed 4.2% this year for family plans, according to an annual Kaiser Family Foundation report. That’s up from 3% the year before.
Since 2008, average family premiums have climbed a total of $4,865.
…“We will start,” Obama said back in 2008, “by reducing premiums by as much as $2,500 per family.”
That $2,500 figure was Obama’s mantra on health care. You can watch the video if you don’t believe it.
And Obama wasn’t talking about government subsidized insurance or expanding Medicaid or anything like that. He specifically focused on employer provided health care.
For “people who already have insurance, and the employers who are providing it,” he said at one campaign event, “we will work to lower your premiums by up to $2,500 per family.
The article does note that while the rate of increase of premiums has slowed somewhat in recent years, it has been in spite of Obamacare, not because of it. In fact, that slower trend began in 2006 and was largely due to an increase in the use of HSAs. Furthermore, he said that the rate was going to go down, not up precipitously.
Regardless, it doesn’t matter. Numbers don’t have to be accurate in order to sell them to the public. Proponents of big government and fans of Obama will believe what they want to believe. Reality is unimportant. He said what he had to say to get the bill passed and he knew that he would never be held accountable for it. At this point, it literally doesn’t matter what he says. The uninformed and the far left are going to support him, regardless. In their minds, the ends justify the means. We live in a frustrating time.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
“[It] will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.“
“If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
All you dummies that gleefully voted this snake-oil salesman into office. And now you believe another progressive like Bernie Sanders will do any better.
Black Republicans, Gay Republicans, and Female Republicans all scare me. How can you POSSIBLY support a party who based their beliefs off of rules that would only make sense 2000 years ago. Basically every republican who is not a straight, white, male scare me.
My book is going to absolutely terrify this person.
I can’t wait to laugh when they see it.
I’m guessing this person doesn’t actually know any or talk to any Republicans or conservatives and just believes in the caricature because it’s easier.
Where do you stand on our military and foreign involvement?
I believe that defense is one of the few responsibilities that our federal government actually has.
That being said, I still prefer our military to not only be strong but also tight and cost-efficient. There is far too much waste in our defense budget today. However, I always welcome any new sensible breakthrough technology that further protects our men and women in the line or duty or completely takes them out conflict altogether. While it makes sense to have some strategic base locations around the globe, I believe there is always room to scale back foreign deployment. And most importantly, I believe the VA should be incorporated into the Defense Department budget. Veteran medical benefits should be handled like regular health insurance through lucrative pre-funded healthcare spending accounts that can be used at any medical facility of the veteran’s choosing. Get rid of the bloated, life-costing bureaucracy.
I am mostly noninterventionist to an extent. While I wholeheartedly agree that the President should get Congressional declaration of war whenever we engage an enemy as an offensive measure, I do also believe the President, CIA and other special forces should have authority to engage small enemy combatants and terrorists in conjunction with our allies on limited scale missions and operations abroad. We’re not going to just sit around and wait for a kamikaze radical islamist to build a dirty bomb overseas, smuggle it over our border, and blow up an entire mall full of people before we act. Sorry Ron Paul, that’s not realistic.
I also do believe that as part of diplomatic relations, it is good to allied with other countries that act in accordance to non-aggressive agreements. I understand the argument that our country cannot be the policeman of the world, but at the same time a honorable nation cannot sit back and watch its weaker allies get invaded or people of lesser nations get massacred.
To get a better sense of my optimistic military approach, if it’s containable and preventable, execute the pest on the spot before it becomes an infestation - if a large foreign atrocity were to occur or an invading force were to militarily attack our ally, Congress should immediately convene to vote on approval to go to war based on the best intelligence possible. If approved, our military should swoop down with as much firepower as it takes to not only stop the enemy in their tracks but to also put the fear of god into them so they never think about aggressively attacking another nation ever again. I can’t remember who originally said it but, “I want the enemy to be in such a psychological distress after the war that they will piss their pants every time they hear a buzz of a plane engine in the distance, a shadow over their head, or hear the Star Spangled Banner.”
Kim Davis is NOT being thrown in jail because she personally objects to gay marriage and refuses to endorse it. She is being placed in jail because she was held in contempt of court after refusing to perform her duties as an elected official of government. She could’ve stepped down from her position and she did not. This is NOT a violation of First Amendment rights. She has every right to personally disagree with gay marriage and she has every right to personally not endorse it and if she had a private business and was punished then it would absolutely be a violation, but she’s a government official and her job is to follow the supreme law of the land. If she does not, there are consequences. Let’s leave “making crap up to suit a narrative” to the liberals.
Exactly! If this was in the private sector, I would be completely on her side, but it wasn’t, this is the public sector where a government employee is expected to fallow all the laws (although many, seem to get away with being lawless…) even if they don’t like them. If she truly could not follow the laws, she could have resigned.
Again, please stop supporting this organization, they’re disgusting. If
you support abortion, I know I won’t change your mind, but please
consider these questions: In your mind, when does the baby become alive?
Why? Is it wrong to abort at that point?
really great article I found after doing some thinking about Bernie Sanders, and how his entire campaign is essentially the fact that “socialism works for scandinavian countries, so it will for us”. I really recommend you guys read this, it’ll help greatly in any discussions you find yourself in about that bastard.
Only in the world of progressives is a politician considered a great or noble person for wanting to steal your money and believing they can give it away better than you can.
I say this as a conservative and a Christian who thinks government shouldn’t be involved in marriage at all: Kim Davis, the clerk in Kentucky who won’t issue marriage licenses to homosexuals, is wrong. If her protest was in the private sector I would be completely on her side, but she works for the public and should therefore follow all statutes or find a job in the private sector.
If we cut military spending we will have enough money for free college. We could also cut tax breaks/tax loopholes corporations take and that could give us the money we need for free college. So we have the means to do it, we just don't have the will. Free college is a good idea
Closing tax loopholes is something I support. We could probably afford to give every citizen some form of higher education of we slashed our military budget (has mixed results) and closed loop holes. So I’ll concede the point that we have the means, but just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should.
To begin it’s not free college. Nothing is ever free. Every good or service must be paid for. So be honest, it’s taxpayer funded.
Fully taxpayer funded higher education isn’t a good thing.
In the past, a high school diploma was pretty much all it took to make it in the US labor market because a high school diploma was not extremely common. Over time, by making secondary education compulsory and entirely publicly funded mos people today have a high school diploma. While at face value this might seem a victory, it doesn’t actually make the population any better off. A high school diploma is now worthless in the labor market, and public education is extremely poor.
By making higher education entirely publicly funded, a bachelors degree will also become worthless. Let me be frank, not everyone should go to a four year university. Some people should go to a trade school, some should go directly into the labor market, some people should start their own businesses. I chose to spend thousands of dollars on my education which allowed me to know that you’re wrong. It’s up to the choice of the individual. One of the problems with making higher education taxpayer funded is that it becomes the governments choice who gets into which universities.
The real solution is not making higher education publicly funded but rather removing the government entirely from education. Subsidies make higher education more expensive. If we allow universities to actually compete for students again, we’ll see costs level out and the quality of an education increase.
“I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort.”—Former President JFK 1960 (via redlegconservatarian)
It boggles my mind that conservatives support Trump. I just do not understand it. He is a Democrat in (not very good) disguise but some cannot seem to see it and I do not get it. Him saying a few things you agree with doesn’t make him a conservative! His record and policies are not conservative. Just another crony capitalist.
It’s weird how society understands not to click on pop ups that promise a free car, but turn out in masses for the ones that wear a suit and promise free college.