Interesting Links 07/30/2007

Washington State Constitution

Interesting Links 07/23/2007

Summary of Findings: ‘No Child Left Behind’ Gets Mixed Grades

NCLB as FRaud

The Performance Gap

Faking Reform

Interesting Links 07/12/2007

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search - Find. Discover. Watch. Listen. Share.
SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search - Find. Discover. Watch. Listen. Share.

Interesting Links 06/26/2007

The Bible | The Resurgence Greek Project (Re: Greek)

Interesting Links 06/25/2007

Lagrange Points - WMAP Observatory

NASA - Thinking Big About Space Telescopes

Interesting Links 06/19/2007

A Month of Sundays - Features - The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper

Interesting Links 06/15/2007

The Mass of Dwarf Planet Eris — Brown and Schaller 316 (5831): 1585 — Science

It’s Official: Eris Outweighs Pluto - Sky and

Interesting Links 06/06/2007

Critique of “Modern Physics and Ancient Faith” - Talk Reason: arguments against creationism, intelligent design, and religious apologetics

Interesting Links 05/29/2007

SwatchBook - More Than Just a Color Picker.

Interesting Links 05/24/2007

Heliocentrism is an Atheist Doctrine « Blogs 4 Brownback

Interesting Links 05/16/2007

flickrvision (beta)

Interesting Links 05/15/2007

Rosie: Giuliani Part of 9/11 Conspiracy; Why Do Things Freely Fallling Fall At Free-Fall Speed? - Ace of Spades

Interesting Links 05/10/2007

Don’t You Dare Ask for Proof! - The Ornery American

Pearls Before Breakfast -

Interesting Links 05/09/2007

Virgin’s 9/11 farce | The Daily Telegraph

Aerials of Greensburg Tornado Damage

Interesting Links 04/27/2007

Project 365: How to Take a Photo a Day and See Your Life in a Whole New Way

The Blasphemy Challenge « Prof. John Stackhouse’s Weblog

Best-selling Author Will ‘Prove’ God’s Existence - Christian Newswire

Interesting Links 04/26/2007

Take a leap into hyperspace - New Scientist Space

Turn Google into your own personal (free) Napster

Carbon-neutral blogging

Shock: Carbon Offests A Fraud - Ace

Interesting Links 04/25/2007

Harrod & Funck - Another bootleg

Harrod and Funck - Bootlegs

Fulcrum: The Cross and The Caricatures - N.T. Wright

Interesting Links 04/24/2007

Between Two Worlds: Carson Review of Wright on “Evil and the Justice of God”

Nuking Nuclear Waste - Popular Science

Major Discovery: New Planet Could Harbor Water and Life -

Potentially Habitable Planet Found - My Way News

Found: The New Earth | the Daily Mail

The Carina Nebula: Star Birth in the Extreme (04/24/2007)

A Massive Explosion on the Sun - NASA

50 Greatest Cartoons - Fleck the Web!

Wordpress Themes List

Interesting Links 04/23/2007

Perino battles press on President’s global warming stance - HotAir

Interesting Links 04/21/2007

Shorty - make your own TinyURLs