Busy week over! One of the things that kept me busy was preparing a sermon on Psalm 124 (one of the songs of the ascent) that I preached in Darrell Johnson’s Preaching and Worship class. (I also preached on Philippians 1:12-20)I was honestly not sure how it would turn out but the feedback […]
This is part of a prayer (in the form of a poem) that was prayed at this week’s chapel service at Regent. I thought it was very well done and worthy of sharing.
Godsees underneathIntentions below the surfaceTears waitingbehind smilesDoubt accompanying faith
And if you are here,God,
not far off,But closer than our own skin,Surely you have […]
The latest Christian Carnival has been posted at Adam’s Blog. I have contributed my post on Division and Diversity in the Church. So stop by Christian Carnival CXII for all the latest posts from around the Christian blogosphere. You can also see my Christian Carnival Archive for previous editions.
Fellow Regent student Beth over at The Beth Blog Ever has been discussing church unity and division (here and here). Since I am somewhat conflicted over the issue, I thought I would post on it myself.
The just of my thoughts are this: Some division is good, some is bad. Some diversity is good, […]
Today I gave my first sermon on Philippians 1:12-20 for my Preaching and Worship class. I was pretty nervous about it, but I think it went well overall. I have never really preached before, so trying to speak God’s Word for 20+ minutes in a meaningful way was quite a task, especially when […]
This weeks Christian Carnival is up! I have contributed my look at Judges 19, a difficult passage that seems to make it difficult to see the Good News. Head over to Christian Carnival CVIII at Part-Time Pundit for all of this week’s posts from around the Christain Blogosphere. If you want to […]
Today in Preaching and Worship class Darrell Johnson tried to tackle at really difficult passage. It was brought up last week when talking about what needs to be expressed when preaching. One of the elements that expository preaching needs to have is the Good News. That doesn’t mean that it has to […]