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A Beautiful Sight!
Wednesday, January 5th, 2005

No, no, not me, sorry to dissapoint! heh. Mount Rainier was out it all its glory yesterday. It is nice having a digital camera; I can take three rolls of film without have to worry about developing costs! I thought I would post a few shots. Enjoy!

(You can click the picture for a 1024×768 size image)

A series of pics with different focal points.


Tis the season…
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

A great series of holiday photos with Santa Claus can be seen over here. You will laugh, I dare you not to. (H/T to Althouse.)

Shalom and go have your picture taken with Santa.

A Thanksgiving Photoblog
Wednesday, November 24th, 2004

A Thanksgiving photoblog (inspired by Donald sensing over at ”One Hand Clapping”). All these pics are copyrighted by me (I guess), except for the Trifid pic that I didn’t take. If you want to see a larger pic, most are clickable.

Here are a few things that I am quite thankful for (among many others):


Safeco Field, Seattle, WA.


Downtown Seattle from the Space Needle

Some wonderful educational institutions.

The University of Washington’s Quad

Regent College

Celebrating our Freedom

The Maker of All

The “Duomo” in Florence, Italy (how exactly are you supposed to take a picture of God?)

Some of My Wonderful Friends

Matt Boutry, Seiji Okamoto, me, and Dan Williams at High School Graduation.

Some good friends I made through UCF.

Group of friends in the snow.

Some of My Wonderful Family

My Grandma and Grandpa Jones

My mom and I at my High School graduation.

The gang at Andy and Katie’s Wedding.

Bunch of kids playin’ in the pool.

The big family Thanksgiving dinner.

God’s Wonderful Creation

Some startrails at Snoqualmie Pass.

The Trifid Nebula

A sunset from Golden Gardens Park in Seattle, WA.

Shalom and Happy Thanksgiving!

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