I feel like I am finally moved in. The large majority of my stuff is where it should be. I have once again started exploring around the Wallingford neighborhood. I am back in Seattle.
Yep, I am even back to lounging.
I suppose it is somewhat odd that I am actually writing this entry at the Bellingham Public Library on one of my numerous trips back up north (I believe it has been 5 days out of 13!) to take care of business up here. After tonight’s Young Life (the last of the year!), I will be done until August… the 180 round trip miles will not be missed. But again, I digress.
When two great friends bought a house (which has become “The House”) to use for their ministry, I was more than excited to live there for its first two years. It was a great experience. The friendships built there are some of the strongest I have ever had. When Greg and Angie mentioned that I would be welcome to come back when I returned to Seattle, it was something that I took to heart. Now that I am older and (hopefully) more mature, my role will be somewhat different. I won’t be learning what it means to live in a community, but I will be learning to help sustain that community and build up others who are learning what it means to live together with other believers. Plus I get to be around baby DiLoreto a lot!
The House is a beautiful old home (built around 1920ish) that sits about five blocks north straight up from Gas Works Park in the heart of Wallingford. A few short minutes from the University of Washington as well as Seattle Pacific University makes for a great location. While the upcoming year will probably be busy and stressful, I am happy to be back where I am. It’s a good place to be. If you want to see a few more pictures of my room at The House (and of course my books!), check out my Flickr set: The House. How I fit (nearly) everything in my room, I will never know, it is hard moving from a full apartment down to a room! Also, I will try and add the two group pictures from my first two years living here.
You know those relationships where you are torn between loving adoration and pure animosity? Sorry, I’m not speaking out personal interactions right now; my love-hate relationship is with Dick’s Drive-In.

Dick’s Drive-In (which, naturally, has its own Wikipedia entry) is a Seattle Icon. It is a small, local fast food chain that started right up the block from where I live. The quaint little neighborhood of Wallingford has spawned something that has grown to five establishments that have apparently been mentioned on the Colbert Report. Is that making it big time? You tell me.
I digress. It has been a while since I had been to Dick’s: distance and my now less-than-iron constitution have kept me at bay. But I cannot stay away. The fast moving lines, efficient servers that can add the cost of a cheeseburger, fries, and a large coke like Raymond Babbitt, and that orange sign called to me. I must say, if you haven’t been to Dick’s, you really must indulge. You might hate yourself later, but you will be patting yourself on the back as you bite into that tasty 1/4 pound deluxe and down that strawberry milkshake. If seeing through your take out bag is something you usually avoid, then Dick’s is not the place for you. Your stomach will thank you. But I won’t. Don’t let it keep you away. You can endure the extra few minutes on the porcelain. Just go for it.
Understanding why Dick’s Drive-In and I have a love-hate relationship?
I am really not a fan of posts that give excuses for not blogging or promises to blog more soon. I have actually seen a blog where their last three posts (spread out over a year or so) were posts saying how they were sorry they haven’t blogged much and will be writing more soon… very strange. Well here I am to say sorry I haven’t blogged much recently and will be writing more soon.
The primary reason I haven’t been blogging (among many) is that I have been moving! I will be starting at SPU this summer and have moved to The House which is owned by two very good friends of mine (who will be having a baby VERY soon, yay!!). Here are a few of my Project 365 / 365 Days photos showing my moving progression… (clickable for larger versions)
(From left to right, top to bottom) At the apartment in Bellingham, really tired of packing stuff up. Down to Seattle to paint my new room. All my stuff moved into the dining room and living room of The House until paint dries and carpet is installed. Back to my apartment in Bellingham to clean and get the rest of the stuff out, clearly I am ready to be done. But I’m not. The last shot is from last night with all my stuff actually IN my room, now I just have to find a place for it all!!
I will still be going up to Bellingham, for various reasons, at least four more times. But at least my apartment is over and done with! Hopefully over the next week my room will be all arranged and I can show you what it looks like!
More to come!
I am sure you all noticed that I haven’t been around for a few days, well that is because I went down to Longview to spend Mother’s day weekend with the fam. I got to celebrate my birthday, watch Nathan play a game of t-ball, go to church with mom on mother’s day, give her a present, and listen to Rachel and Nathan give a piano recital… among other things. It was pretty fun times, as usual. For a few pics (and hopefully I will get some more from other family members), check out my Flickr photo set: Mother’s Day Weekend. And you, of course, should be keeping up with my Project 365 Daily Photos.
First image: Nathan playing shortstop at his tee ball game. I love this picture because Nathan is so focused on the game and everyone else is kinda in their own world… Second image: Playing cards with the family. Erin and I kicked butt at “Hand and Foot.” Third image: Mom opening Erin’s mother’s day gift (a shadow box with images of the two of them). My gift is the book on the table, The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkien. I am pretty excited for her to read it… cause then I can borrow it.
Fourth image: Nathan practicing for his recital, quite the focus.
There ya have it. I hope all you mothers out there had a wonderful weekend and know that you are loved!
Since today is my birthday I thought that I would start up the (somewhat ambitious) task set out in Project 365: take a picture every single day for a year. My first photo comes from hanging out with middle schoolers. I am a middle school Young Life leader (for those that knew me in high school they might be somewhat surprised by this as I was not a big fan back then… to say the least) so I periodically get to hang out with some crazy 7th graders.

If you want to see an example of what happens when you let them borrow your camera, see my Flickr set Hanging Out With Middle Schoolers.
To keep up with my progress (I won’t be posting my daily photos here), you can see my daily snapshots at my Project 365 photo set. I will be contributing to the Project 365 Flickr group along with the Project 365 group @ Vox as well. When the photos are of me, I will also be adding them to the 365 Days Flick group (which are all self portraits).
Wish me luck! Oh, and thanks to K.C. for his amazing birthday card!
Cross posted at my Vox
Oh good times in Bothell and Redmond! As if Cinco de Mayo wasn’t enough reason for having a party, Laurel was also in town! The weekend was lots of fun: I was able to hang out with people I haven’t seen in a long time, got to eat lots of tasty food, and play in the park! Who could ask for more?
For more Cinco de Mayo fun, check out my Flickr photo set! The various group shots are pretty good: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7. Oh, and of course, KC’s butt and Meghan being sultry.
Last weekend I went down to my parents’ house in Longview the spend the Easter weekend with family. It was a lovely weekend (aside from getting a cold/ have new allergies act up) that was filled with lots of tasty food. It was great to worship with my mom and step-dad and sister at their church and celebrate the Resurrection. After church the rest of the fam came over and Rachel and Nathan had an easter egg hunt… it was pretty good times. Then came the tasty food! It was nice to just relax and have fun with the fam. If you want to see more pictures from the day, see my Flickr set: Easter 2007.

Almost three years ago I posted that I had been accepted to Seattle Pacific University but that I would go to Regent College first. In that post I had claimed that after Regent I would come back to attend SPU. Well things changed a little and I had changed my mind (largely due to cost) and would try to go to WWU instead. Little did I know that that would not work out and I would spend a year in Bellingham in limbo. I figured I would apply to SPU again and see what would happen.
I am quite happy to announce that my original plans will be coming true; I have been accepted to SPU’s ARC and Masters program!
I am pretty excited to start this fairly intense program (certification and a masters in five quarters instead of 2 years) but will also be somewhat sad to leave Bellingham. I have become more involved with my church here and have really been enjoying working with YoungLife. It will be hard to leave them, but very nice to be back in Seattle.
So come mid-May I will be hauling all my crap back down south!
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