Bellevue on Strike: Part 2

Bellevue is still on strike. There has been progress, but the gaps have not narrowed enough. My previous post has generated a lot more attention than I had ever imagined or intended. While I still find open and honest discussion to be extremely important I am also willing to put some of that on hold for the benefit of relationships with my new colleagues. I want to be as humble as I can when it comes to this decision and appreciate all the discussion (both positive and negative) on that post. For now, I am going to password protect that post. That means that all the comments and discussion will still be available for discussion at a later date, but not now. If you are a BEA member and for some reason or another have a burning desire to read that post and add more comments, I can give you the password. For the rest, you will just have to wait.

I hope that both the BSD and the BEA will be able to come to an agreement soon that will please both sides and promote the best learning possible for our students. We all want to get back to work as soon as we can. I would also ask that the parents in Bellevue be patient with us. You know that your children receive a top notch education, we want to keep it that way; your support means a great deal to us.


Categories: Education Tags: ,
  1. a colleague
    September 10th, 2008 at 11:21 | #1

    I appreciate your courage, thoughtful words, and desire to get information about all sides. It’s going to be a looooonnng road of reconcilation for our district, students, parents, community, and staff. The storm has not passed yet…it will be sad to see the amount of damage on all sides.

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