The other day Jae sent me a link to a clip from the BBC’s sketch comedy show Man Stroke Woman, it was pretty funny stuff so I thought I would pass on a few clips that I found particularly hilarious. I do have to warn you, if you want to check out any of their other clips, they can be a tad crass and vulgar at times, just FYI. The ones following are nice and clean though.
Thanks to Sal and her late-night insomnia, she stumbled across the Best Game Ever. Watch it and enjoy. Two little league baseball teams are mobbed by the Improv Everywhere team and given a game they will never forget!
I have been hearing about Hulu for a while now but had never actually checked it out… until now.� If you are a fan of television like I am, well good television that is, then you should also stop by.� They have a pretty decent selection of quality shows (both recent and past) that you can watch streaming over the net with pretty good quality and very few (and short) commercial breaks (they also have lots of tv and movie clips).
Right now they have season 4 of The Office up as well as season 2 of 30 Rock.� Come on, that is comedy gold!� Gold, Jerry, gold!� Also, if you haven’t seen it yet, they occasionally have full episodes of The Sarah Connor Chronicles up (not at this moment though).� One of the shows I was sad to see canceled this year was Journeyman, they have all the first season.� Last night I watched the new Knight Rider remake: Not. Good.� Cool car.� Crappy show.� If they decide to make it into a series, they will have a lot of work to do!
Basically what I am saying is this, go check out some good tv online.� If you want some suggestions, check out my profile at Hulu!� It sounds like they will be adding to both their tv and movie selections.� Right now the movies aren’t much to speak of, but their television selection is fairly decent.
And if anyone has any suggestions about some good stuff to watch over there, let me know!
Third quarter at Tillicum has just ended (although it seems like the grading has just begun…). This means that my student teaching has ended. It actually really snuck up on me! A teacher at another middle school here in Bellevue is going on medical leave and has asked me to fill her position as a long term substitute. Pretty cool, eh?
I have to say that it is really hard to leave Tillicum. My two mentor teachers have been an amazing help in building up my abilities. Their encouragement, suggestions, and careful observations have really helped me grow as a teacher over this past year. While I know that switching schools in the last quarter when the kids start to get crazy will be difficult, I am confident that I have been well prepared for the task.
The kids have also made it very difficult to leave. They have been a great group of kids! They, really, are the hardest part about leaving. They have grown on me this year and I hope that I have made an impact in their lives and education.
Here are a few shots of the kids I am leaving behind!
Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) believes the United States has become a nation of regulations. And although Congress was historically unproductive in 2013, according to certain media outlets, most notably MSNBC, the folks responsible for drafting the nation’s federal regulations were plenty busy. How busy? Take a…
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