A Sense of Scale: The Bodies of the Solar System

Alan Taylor of Kokogiak has produced a great visual: All (known) Bodies in the Solar System Larger than 200 Miles in Diameter.

Alan has a helpful image of the 88 objects in the Solar System that are larger than 200 miles (320km) in diameter; from the Sun (at 861,800 miles / 1,390,000 km) down to the asteroid Davida (at 203 miles / 326 km). This doesn’t show relative distances, but shows very clearly the relative sizes of the various objects. Our Sun (which is so large, it only barely looks curved), the eight planets, three dwarf planets, 21 moons, four asteroids, and 51 Trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) are all displayed side by side.

For a sense of scale, check out the large version: All (known) Bodies in the Solar System Larger than 200 Miles in Diameter. You can also check out my previous posts relating to scale: A Sense of Scale: The Solar System and Walk the Solar System.

Categories: Science
  1. April 23rd, 2007 at 12:48 | #1

    Cool !

  2. May 1st, 2007 at 10:35 | #2

    Thanks for posting this.

  1. April 11th, 2007 at 16:46 | #1

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