
Archive for November, 2006

Be Adequite

November 30th, 2006 7 comments

I normally don’t post on celebrities because I don’t really understand people’s obsession with their lives. But this post from Ace made me laugh a lot. I honestly do not understand how people can look up to celebrities when this is the kind of stuff they spout when sending condolence letters (of course this is a generalization, but really). Here is Lindsay Lohan’s letter to Robert Altman’s family:

I am lucky enough to of been able to work with Robert Altman amongst the other greats on a film that I can genuinely say created a turning point in my career. [...] He was the closest thing to my father and grandfather that I really do believe I’ve had in several years… He left us with a legend that all of us have the ability to do. [...] Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourselves’ (12st book) - everytime there’s a triumph in the world a million souls hafta be trampled on. - altman Its true. But treasure each triumph as they come. [...] Be adequite. Lindsay Lohan.

Now I don’t claim to be a great speller, nor do I claim any sort of elegance in my writing, but if I am writing a formal letter, I think I would definitely try and proof it… at least once. And as Ace pointed out, even if she has said “Be adequate”, what kind of valediction is that? It makes me think of NewsRadio and Bill McNeal:

Well, I’m off to astonish the world with more feats of adequataqaticism.

Dave: “Everything going adequately?”
Bill: “Very adequately sir, I’m virtually bursting with adequatulence.”

And the climax (that Lohan must have missed):

…Ok, look, you think I don’t know adequate sucks?

Since I never really talk about celebs, I would like to point you to my last post on someone of renown: Cameron Diaz is Trippin’. Ah, what a flash back. Good times.

And remember friends, be adequite.

Categories: Social Commentary Tags:

Winter comes to Bellingham!

November 28th, 2006 2 comments

As I drove north after the lovely Thanksgiving weekend down in the south of Washington things got colder. I noticed a bit of white on the ground while passing through Seattle and as I progressed along I-5 the bit of white became soft flurries of snow. By the time I hit Burlington and Mount Vernon I actually had to drop the pace down to 55 or so. The roads got slicker and the flurries became less soft. About 20 miles south of Bellingham the break lights appeared. Stopped on I-5 I admitted that my decent pace (despite the flurries) had come to an end. Two hours later and 20 miles traversed I arrived at my exit.

I had made it all this way without the aid of my chains that remained parked in my apartment closet. My worries of getting stuck on the freeway after stopping numerous times in the not so gripping ice and slush became unfounded. I thought I was in the free and clear until the old adage popped into my head: most accidents occur within in a mile of your own home. Thankfully I made it within 10 feet of my apartment so I figured I had conquered that maxim until the slight hill into the parking lot had its way with my slightly bald tires. What could I do but mock the hill by making the slight trek by foot to pull the trusty chains out of their hiding spot (oh, where were you when I tried and failed to safely summit Snoqualmie?). Chains secure, I roared up the little hill and into my parking spot, my car looking quite boring sitting next to the neighbors’ 15 inches of snow atop their vehicles. My adventure safely completed, I vowed never to drive in Bellingham again.

My walking tour of Bellingham was the natural result of that pledge. I love the snow because there are fewer people on the roads and everything is muted and peaceful. Now you all can enjoy the beauty that is Bellingham covered in snow.

The view out the back.

View all the pictures at my flickr set: Bellingham’s First Snow! Hope you all are enjoying your weather, whatever it may be!

Categories: Daily Life, Photoblog Tags:

Thanksgiving! Huzzah!

November 23rd, 2006 5 comments

Well, I am still thankful for all of these things. It’s true. We have a lot of things to be thankful for, remember that. Even if you love to complain about things, you have a lot of things to be thankful for. We have been blessed in order that we may be a blessing. Live that out!

Have a great day!

And thanks to Jae for the appropriate verse: James 1:16-17 (NAS):

16Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

God has provided, He is the reason we can and should be thankful.

Categories: Daily Life Tags:

Lonely Forest Lyrics!

November 20th, 2006 No comments

Yes, it is true! Search no more! I now have in my possession lyrics to the Lonely Forest’s music! John Van Deusen has very kindly provided me with lyrics to their God is Dead project (which includes their entire Regicide EP) as well as some of the new songs in the Nuclear Winter project. So for all your Lonely Forest fans (which you all should be), head over to my Lonely Forest lyrics page.

Also, in an attempt (not sure how successful it will be…) to help promote the guys, I have created The Lonely Forest Street Team blog. There you can find all the latest news and info on upcoming shows as well as various video clips and pictures. It is still a work in progress that I know has some compatibility issues with some browsers (USE FIREFOX!), but you should still stop by and say hi!

Categories: Blogging, Meaningful Song Tags:

Worst Burglar Ever!

November 19th, 2006 6 comments

Heh, saw this via Instapundit. I was literally laughing out loud. This is classic comedy.

Categories: Daily Life Tags:

Building a Microcomputer

November 17th, 2006 5 comments

While looking through some pictures from college I came across two pictures that I took of the microcomputer that I built in my Physics 335 (Electric Circuits Laboratory II - Digital) class and thought I would post them for all the nerds out there! Read more…

Categories: Computer Tags: