Lower Falls on Lewis River

Lower Falls
Originally uploaded by mattithyahu.

Lower Falls
Originally uploaded by mattithyahu.

When my family and I were camping at Swift Reservoir a week or so ago we also took a trip up to Lower Falls on Lewis River (which is the river the feeds Swift). Lower Falls has a campground as well has trails to hike on with various vantages of the waterfalls. It is a beautiful area and if you dare the freezing cold water you can walk out onto the falls themselves.

If you have the chance I highly recommend checking the natural beauty out. It makes for a nice day trip as well, just bring a picknick!

For more pictures, see my Flickr set: Lower Falls on Lewis River. For other pictures from the camping trip, you can either see my Swift Reservoir Camping Trip blog post or the Flickr set: Camping at Swift Reservoir 2006.

Categories: Daily Life, Photoblog
  1. salmypal
    September 27th, 2006 at 08:46 | #1

    Ooooh Matt! I wanna go back…I wanna be camping and swimming and hiking and eating and playing right now! :)

  2. September 27th, 2006 at 13:52 | #2

    Seriously! But really, I don’t have a job, Erin really doesn’t either, and you guys (well aside from Darin) are on your month off. What is stopping us? Hehe :)

  3. September 27th, 2006 at 16:34 | #3

    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos!!!!!

  4. September 28th, 2006 at 11:26 | #4

    Well thank you kindly! :)

  5. September 30th, 2006 at 02:11 | #5

    I check out your blog regularly enough now that I guess it’s high time I link you up on mine…do you mind being linked to a psycho site? ;-)

  6. September 30th, 2006 at 22:28 | #6

    Of course I don’t mind at all! But are you sure you know what you are getting yourself into? You sure you want to link a devout, and strong minded Christian and a right-leaning republican? :) I just want to warn you before you get too endured to me. ;)

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