Camping at Swift Reservoir 2006
The second annual (?) Swift Reservoir camping trip was a wonderful success! (Last year’s post: Camping at Swift Reservoir) Swift Reservoir is a man made lake caused by the Swift dam on the Lewis River and located just south of Mount St. Helens. My sister Erin, cousin Sally, her two kids Rachel and Nathan, and I spent the week eating, reading, sleeping, playing in the water, etc. Fortunately Sally’s husband Darin was able to spend a few nights with us as well and mom, Bob, and Jill visited one day as well.
The full set of pictures has been posted at my Flickr set: Camping at Swift Reservoir so feel free to check those out. I haven’t posted the pictures from Lower Falls because I will do them as a separate set… I’ll keep you updated. Clicking the pictures will take you to their Flickr page for larger versions.
Rachel and Nathan: aint they cute?
Nathan the reader.
The hi-tech family… unfortunately no wireless signal.
At the end of the Ape Cave. This year Nathan and Rachel were actually excited about going in!
Rachel and Nathan at Lower Falls.
Ah your cousins are cute Matt. I love reading about your adventures with them. Thanks
- First of all, beautiful children! I visit Washington quite frequently since my brother and his family has lived in Bremerton since ’93. Although I’ve never been to the Swift Reservoir, I have been to
GPNF, but from the looks of some of the pictures you put up, I think your family has a much better perception of living it up in a camping settting. As far as the picture with you on the laptop, would it be feasible to obtain a network card in that area. I had my laptop w/ me summer of 2005 when I went to GPNF and even though we were in open space, I found dead zone pockets where I was staying, so after asking politely (after exchanging a 20-spot to the guy), he put me in a much better campsite (view and wireless coverage!) so I was able to get a very good connection. The one picture that stood out beyond all the others was the one of the children by Lower Falls. I live to see sights such as that. It’s really gorgeous! The last photo of your son is definitely pricess! Thanks for putting this post up. I’m really happy that you all had a great time out there. Take care.