I ended up staying a day longer in Seattle so I was able to catch The Lonely Forest‘s performance at Chop Suey. Boy was I glad I went because, once again, the show was amazing. Not only that, but they played a bunch of new stuff that I hadn’t heard and sounded great. I find myself getting pissed that they play a lot of new stuff because I want to hear it again! They need to get their new project out! Yes, I am selfish. Thankfully I can tide myself over with their two available EPs.
I have created a Lonely Forest page so you can easily find other pictures, video, music, and lyrics from The Lonely Forest.
So on with the pictures (sorry, no video this time, my battery was about to die, and they are, of course, clickable for larger versions):
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Last night Late Tuesday released their new CD Drowning out Love at Western Washington University’s Viking Union. Sadly the two pictures above are the only ones worthy of posting (and even those didn’t turn out very well, but still clickable for larger versions). I wasn’t really in a picture taking mode and I wasn’t in the best position to take pictures either, so there ya have it. I have taken many pictures from their previous shows that can be found by doing a checking out my Late Tuesday page (with links to pictures, video clips, music, and lyrics).
The show was awesome. It was great to see the lovely ladies together once again. Their new stuff sounds really good and I look forward to getting into the CD. I am heading to Seattle for the extended weekend but I will probably be posting a review of Drowning out Love early next week.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
I was just over reading a photo essay by Isaac Marion called Nuclear Summer that has some awesome shots inside a cooling tower. I think from the Satsop Nuclear Power Plant (but I could be wrong). You should go check it out. But that is not what I am suggesting you go read in my post title. What I am suggesting you go read is Issue #77 at BurningBuilding.com titled “Money Miracles!” It is stinking hilarious. Really, go read it now, you will laugh. I promise. Or your money back.
Ready for a segue?
Isaac’s brother is Nathan. Nathan runs BlueTree.org (an organization that helps bands help kids in need) and BlueTree Records a cool recording label. A past BlueTree Artist is Late Tuesday. Late Tuesday has a new CD out called Drowning Out Love. This coming Thursday, they will be having a CD release show at Western Washington University’s Viking Union at 7:00pm (doors at 6:30pm, $7/$5 for students). It should be a great show as it has been a while since Late Tuesday has performed. If you have heard their stuff, you know you want to come. If you haven’t heard their stuff, check out their website for some tunes or do a Late Tuesday search on my blog (I have lots of pictures and music to share). Once you do that, then you will want to come. Basically what I am saying is, it is inevitable that you will come to the show. See you there!
I have been wanting to try and clean up the right column for a while now and have been looking for scripts to try and do the job. Erin over at Lylium.org kindly directed me to this DHTML script that opens and closes menus with a simple click.
So I have a few questions for you all:
Does it work? When you click a menu heading, does it open?
Does it make sense? Is it logical to just click the menu to see its contents?
What about color scheme? I am not entirely sure about the blue background that is currently there. Any suggestions? Is it ok?
Are there any menus that should remain open (meaning, don’t use the script)? I have left the “most recent posts” menu open for easy access. Are there others that should also remain open?
Any other thoughts on this. Does it help clean things up a bit?

Well to be more precise, the cooling tower at Portland General Electric‘s Trojan Nuclear Power Plant was demolished today (May 21st, 2006). The nuclear plant was comissioned back in 1976 and generated over 1100 megawatts. Because of cost-effectiveness, PGE closed down the plant (I have a feeling it was more because people are scared of nuclear power… silly) in 1993. In 1999 the nuclear reactor was sent up the Columbia River by barge to the Department of Energy’s Hanford nuclear waste site. In May of last year Trojan was certified as radiologically decommissioned (meaning it was safe for other facilities to be maintained on the Trojan property). As part of the decomissioning, the large cooling tower was finally demolished.
Portland General Electric has put out a great video of the demolition: Trojan Demolition (WMV, 5.18 MB, right click and select “save as”). They have also put up a page about the demolition and a number of pages of photographs: here, here, here, and here. There are also some historical photos here.
My very first picnic was at Trojan’s park during a public outreach day. Good times.
Isaac Marion over at Burning Building has an awesome photo essay titled “Nuclear Summer” that you should check out (I think it is from the Satsop Nuclear plant, but I could be wrong). His brother, Nathan from BlueTree.org has also pointed to a few more video clips here and here. I also found this, this, this (from this blogger) and this.
And some more photos:
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I am finally moved in to the new place here in B-Ham. Everything is set up (except I need to get a small desk for the bedroom) and looks decent… I think. Next big step is to get a job! Anyone in the Bellingham area want to hire me? I also went to church for the first time since moving in. I really liked it and I even met up with a friend from Regent there that I hadn’t seen in a long time. That was nice as it is always cool to see a knowing face at a new church. (PS. Dana Little was part of the worship team there, thought that was very cool! Not sure if she saw me or not, I just hope she doesn’t think I am a stalker or anything!
Here are a few pic of the place (clickable of course):
The living room
My Books
My bedroom (imagine a desk on the wall)
So there ya have it folks. Stop by and say hi!
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