Bible: The Porn Star Edition
While browsing this week’s Christian Carnival I came across Imago Dei‘s post Bibles for Porn Stars and it caused me to think. The xxxchurch blog posted Bringing Bibles To The Porn Industry and said this:
We have been doing ministry for several years now and have had a great outreach at the porn shows. On three different occasions, we have given away Bibles for free at porn shows. Much to our surprise, they were well received. … After the last show in Las Vegas, where we gave away 1000 bibles, I looked into getting custom bibles printed that would match the whole look of our booth. We have a 10-foot backdrop, postcards, stickers, and T-shirts that all have ďż˝Jesus Loves Porn Starsďż˝ design. The new Bible cover art was an attempt to customize that image and message with the powerful word of God. The cooler the cover, the more separated from all the trash someone gets at a porn show, the more likely it gets picked up and read.
I contacted the American Bible Society and had made arrangements months ago to order 10,000 bibles. We have 3 porn shows coming up (Erotica LA, June. Gay Erotica NY, October. AVN Expo Las Vegas, January.) The cost was over $7,000 but in our opinion it was money well spent. They printed the Bibles prior to getting our cover artwork. Two weeks ago, we sent over the cover art and all hell broke loose.
Long story short�they have refunded all of our money and have refused to print the Bibles. They have told us that this goes against everything the Bible stands for and they don�t want anyone to think that Jesus is okay with porn. We think they are wrong. We think this goes with the central message of the gospel and Jesus loves you regardless of your profession.
Maybe I should explain what the xxxchurch is, well as much as I can, I don’t really know too much about it. From what I have heard, and their website has more info, they are a Christian outreach to the porn industry. Obviously there is more to it than that and there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding their ministry. I still haven’t really decided how I feel about it yet: I can see both good and bad things about it.
This development with the American Bible Society also has me questioning a few things. Amanda supports what the xxxchurch is doing and thinks the ABS was in poor form to reject the order of Bibles. Part of me agrees but part of me is still hesitant. Aside from the obvious issues of Christians being at porn shows (and therefore the temptation involved with such exposure), I can recognize that it is a place that needs to be ministered to. Having spent a day with a ministry to a red-ligh district in Antwerp, I am fully aware of the need in the sex industry.
Does that need require a “cool” cover on the Bible? My problem with the Bible (and therefore their booth - although less so with the booth because the booth is not the Word of God) is that the slogan “Jesus loves Porn Stars”, while true, is somewhat ambiguous as to its meaning. I, and most I am sure, understand it to mean that Jesus loves the person, but not the sin. But the slogan, as it is, could be taken to imply acceptance of that line of work. Since the Bible is clear on that issue, I don’t feel it is appropriate for the Word of God to have a statement of ambiguity on its cover. You don’t see “Jesus loves liars” or “Jesus loves murderers” Bible covers, so why is this any different?
Part of my hesitation resides with my frustration with some “seeker senstive” churches in general. It is appropriate to be seeker sensitive, but not at the expense of the Gospel. If I go to a hockey game (as I am an American in Canada), and don’t understand the sport, I don’t expect the announcer or the players to “dumb things down” for me or explain things to me. I would expect that the people I go with or others around me to explain things to me. This is how a seeker sensitive church should function: Preach the Gospel and expect that church members (or people that bring seekers) to be warm and inviting and willing to actually invest in relationship with those who do have questions. This doesn’t fully relate back to the xxxchurch Bible, but it is similar in that we should not change the Bible to fit the culture (in this case the porn industry), even if it is just the cover. If the ministry is doing what it is supposed to and is being effective, the Word should speak for itself without having to dress it up.
It appears that many Christians are on board with the xxxchurch, or am I wrong about that? It seems that I am leaning towards agreeing with the decision of the American Bible Society (although I wouldn’t go quite so far to say it is against everything the Bible stands for), but can also see the xxxchurch’s position as well. Any thoughts out there?
This post has been trackbacked to Pursuing Holiness at her Open Trackback Thursday. Thanks Laura!
I don’t believe the issue is fundamentally one of “dumbing things down” as it is that the cover to that Bible is blasphemous.
First, the slogan “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” immediately elevates the sin of engaging in sexual immorality to a dignity that it could never deserve. The term “porn star” has taken on a chicness in contemporary society that hardly carries with it the necessary admonishment that sex is for the marriage bed and that the pornography industry is evil. Yes, Jesus loves those who are called “porn stars”, but He does not love the term and what it represents. To place it on the front of the written manifestation of God’s Word is beyond disgusting.
Second, ministry must come with discernment. There is indeed a need to minister to those involved in the porn industry, just as there is a need to minister to those engaged in drugs, prostitution, or violent criminal acts. This does not mean, however, that any Christian has a “blank check” to run amuk these people with the wide-eyed hopes of making instant converts. The outreach needs to be there-and at times it may require stepping into “the devil’s den”-but it should be not be unwisely taken up. Going on the sets of porn movies goes entirely against such wisdom. “Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread…”
Third, the existence of the Bible itself presupposes the Church which produced it. To engage in ministry with the Bible outside of the Church is to engage in foolishness. At the end of the day, whatever “good” a ministry such as the one you described may do, it cannot present the robustness of Christian Truth, which the Church remains “the pillar and ground” of.
While I don’t think I would go so far as to say the cover is blasphemous, I think I am pretty on board with your insights Gabriel. The only think I might take issue with (or at least need some clarification on) is the statement: “To engage in ministry with the Bible outside of the Church is to engage in foolishness.” I agree that the Church is, indeed, (one ofthe) the pillar(s) and ground for the Christian faith, but am unclear as to what you are suggesting about the use of the Bible outside of the Church.
While I applaud all who sincerely are
trying to be an effective witness for
the kingdom of God, I am not one who
believes that all methods justify the
It is distateful and repulsive to connect
the name of God with porn stars.
I’m new to blogging-less than two months,
but enjoy it tremendously. I’ve looked
at your site a couple of times, and it
has been a blessing.
Hope mine is too when you read it.
“While I applaud all who sincerely are trying to be an effective witness for the kingdom of God, I am not one who believes that all methods justify the end.” I completely agree. It seems that the xxxchurch is one where there is much debate of this issue of ends justifying the means. Of course, I, and I am sure many of you, don’t actually know what their means are. From all I can tell they just go to these porn events and witness there (of course now there is the issue of the Bible cover). If that is what they do, I don’t really think I can find a problem with that - it is a needed ministry. But depending on how they get involved, all in the name of ministry, remains to be seen and could call into question the validity of that ministry. The Bible cover may be one of those questionalbe means. As I said, right now I do tend to think that this Bible cover is not appropriate. That being said, I don’t think it is inappropriate for someone to support, in general, what the xxxchurch does while rejecting the particular ministry regarding the Bible (I am not saying that is me, just throwing it out there).
PS. I am glad you have enjoyed my blog and thanks for commenting.
Thanks for linking to me.
I appreciate your views, and I completely see where both you and Gabriel are coming from. I suppose my perspective is completely different than most, because I am one who has struggled with a porn addiction in the past. This is a growing problem within the church-except churches tend to take the “If we ignore it, it’ll go away” approach to dealing with it. This is why xxxChurch was created. It’s there to help folks who have this addiction learn the Biblical reasons it’s wrong and how to kick the habit. There’s even free accountability software (if you go to a porn site, it emails the information to your accountability partner). Then there’s the porn convention stuff they do, as well. All of which are amazing ministries. Perhaps I have allowed my appreciation for the ministry cloud my judgment on this particular issue, but I don’t think so. You asked in your post if the need required a “cool” Bible cover. I really don’t see that as any different than the various covers put out to entice students to buy them-the metal NLB, the neon Message Bibles, the streamlined NIVs in pretty colors…all of them have “cool” covers to appeal to the audience they are being sold to. I don’t see this cover as being any different. It proclaims a truth on the cover: “Jesus loves Porn Stars.” This is true. This is something that I imagine most people in the industry need to be reminded of. That, no matter what they’ve done, God still loves them! And that, hopefully, will give them a reason to open the Bible and find out all about the amazing love and grace of God. And then, just maybe, some lives will be changed.
This is why I am against the decision the ABS made.
Thanks for your response here Amanda. I definitely see your (and their) points. I completely agree that a mission like the xxxChurch is needed. (Of course supporting an organization does not mean that I have to agree with all their projects/outreaches.)
Your comments about other audience specific Bibles is well taken. Many of those other Bibles I have issues with as well. I don’t really think the Bible should be “glamed” up at all. That being said, I still think there is a distinct difference between a porn star cover and other “cool” covers. While it is true that “Jesus loves porn stars”, it is a truth that can be mistaken for affirmation of that line of work. Other “cool” Bibles don’t really have to worry about ambiguity because there is nothing wrong with being a teen or a student or a mom (or whatever some Bibles are marketed towards).
Again, this can be an issue that is not clearly black and white, but I think ministries of this sort need to be very careful about how to are seen both in the world and to other believers.
Will someone please email me to let me know how to get one of those fantastic bibles from?
Try the links provided in the post.
well dont they say: never judge a book by its cover anyway, i’d use the okjv - but good on them, this sad industry of porn needs good people like these guys to help souls out of it. evil prevails when good men do nothing.
This was posted in the wrong place so I am moving it here:
Bruce C. wrote:
I am a church musician and a Recovering alcoholic and pothead. I think what you are doing to give out bibles to porn stars is wonderful and exactly what Jesus would have done. Jesus was criticized for eating with tax collectors (Matthew) loving his enemies (Samaritans) and forgiving everyone. Jesus also said: �Let he whois without sin through the firt stone.� The Lord said this inrefernce to an adculteress that a crwod of hypocrites was getting ready to stone to death.
Posted 26 Jun 2006 at 10:42 am
If u r a christian u should not say like this
“jesus —- “
Eh? Care to clarify?
You tried something new!! Good for you! I