Pale Pacific at the Crocodile

The Pale Pacific played last night at The Crocodile Cafe and put on a freaking amazing show! The four guys play really well together and have a great stage presence. The music was dynamic and powerful. Everything you could want in a good show!

Pics (clickable for larger versions) are below. Some turned out better than others… as is usually the case. Thanks to Gabe, Cameron, Greg, and Justin for a kickin’ show!

Gabe Archer
Gabe on the Keys - Gabe on the Keys with a big smile

Cameron #2 - Cameron #3 - Cameron #4 - Cameron #4 - Cameron #5 - Cameron #6

Gabe, Justin, and Cameron’s sister.

Gabe and Cameron rocking.
Rocking #2 - Rocking #3 - Rocking #4 - Rocking #5

Gabe, Greg, with Cameron on the drums. - #2

Gabe, Justin, and Cameron

Gabe and Justin - Justin and Cameron

Gabe, Justin, and Cameron

The Pale Pacific at the Crocodile
The guys: Gabe on electric, Justin on bass, Cameron on electric, and Greg on drums.

Categories: Meaningful Song
  1. March 27th, 2006 at 20:43 | #1

    Great pics Matt! I love that The Pale is growing in popularity. They are great guys. Funny to see Cam playing drums and Greg playing bass. Of course, Cam is a great drummer. Greg? Well, he does a killer HOT version of “Back in Black” by AC/DC on the vocals. Never heard him play bass, but I’ll bet he’s no slouch there!

    Lindsay and I miss em! Tell them to come back to Phoenix! They know they’ve got a place to stay! (Pics from that fateful night here.)

  2. March 27th, 2006 at 23:34 | #2

    When they first started Cam was their drummer and Greg was on bass, so they did a flash from the past and switched it up. It was pretty fun. Great pics you have there! There was much biting on stage in Seattle too. ;) And my experiences with Gabe (and Cameron) are pretty similar: very nice and humble guys that make you want to be their friend.

  3. cam
    June 16th, 2006 at 21:09 | #3

    oh just out looking for pictures of the band…see you on orcas this summer?

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