A Prayer of Repentance

This is part of a prayer (in the form of a poem) that was prayed at this week’s chapel service at Regent. I thought it was very well done and worthy of sharing.

sees underneath
Intentions below the surface
Tears waiting
behind smiles
Doubt accompanying faith

And if you are here,

not far off,
But closer than our own skin,
Surely you have seen
Surely you have seen

When we push our bodies beyond themselves
Satisfying our schedules, rather than stewarding your temple.

In your mercy, forgive us.

WHen we demand blessing in the light of our obedience
Presuming we can earn your favor
When we cheapen your death-as we long for a rule-driven gospel
When we crucify our selves with self-hate
And pray to a savior who we think couldn’t bear to love us

In your love, forgive us and transform us.

When we think we’re more loved or saved than others

Forgive us, and teach us true humility

When we hide from you, behind our knowledge of you
When we think that being united in our love for you, means
uniformity in the way we express it,
Forgive us and teach us to learn from each other

When we’re tight-fisted with your money, with our lives

Unclench our fists and make us open-handed. Ready to give, open to receive.

When we keep sorrow in its corner, unsure of a love that
could allow so much pain.
Because of your gentleness,
Love us in spite of ourselves.

Amen, eh?

Categories: Regent College, Religion
  1. Becky
    March 11th, 2006 at 01:26 | #1

    Wow, Matt… I needed to read that. I’ve been going through a really hard time lately, and yeah, this just reminds me that I CAN turn back to God. Often times when I feel like this… I feel I have to pull it together before I approach God, but this poem shows me otherwise. Thanks. :)

  2. March 11th, 2006 at 11:05 | #2

    I know exactly what you mean Becky. It is amazing how prayer can just cut right through to the heart sometimes. :)

  3. March 11th, 2006 at 12:51 | #3

    I like it… found you by surfing through BlogExplosion; I’m glad I did. Are you Canadian?

  4. March 11th, 2006 at 13:31 | #4

    I am from the US but attending graduate school in Vancouver, BC. So I prented sometimes. ;)

  5. arabella
    March 12th, 2006 at 23:03 | #5

    thanks for sharing the prayer! somehow i needed to say those words but never really knew I needed to until those words found me. =)

  6. March 19th, 2006 at 23:46 | #6

    I needed to read this…

  7. March 20th, 2006 at 15:58 | #7

    I think we all do. I’m glad it spoke to you!

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