You may (or may not have) noticed that it has been a while since I have blogged. That’s my prerogative, right? Last week I spent my time down in southern Washington with the good ol’ family. It was a lot of fun and relaxing and watching movies and eating and all that good stuff. I will, of course, post more from the week later, but figured I should chime in to let people (are you out there?) know I am not dead or dying or mostly dead…
Another thing that I will be posting about (now that I have seen everything) is Serenity and Firefly which were given a plenty this year.
Really people, go check these shows out. (See my previous post on Serenity and Firefly here) Here is a pic with (almost) all of our copies (with Erin and Sal, clickable for larger size):
I hope everyone had a good New Year’s and have had a chance to reflect on their last year as well as look forward to this new one. I look foward to 2006 and all God will bring in it. So a look back to two double aught five:
Spent a decent amount of my time blogging.
I was some how able to remain single… yeah…
Remained encouraged by and interested in Regent College
Found more interest in both the Church and the Holy Spirit
Realized that both Greek and Hebrew are hard!
Realized that it is hard to live away from my friends in Seattle
Learned much more html and php that I ever thought I would because of blogging.
Smoked my first (and second) Cuban cigar (well any cigar for that matter).
Became a Late Tuesday groupie. Heh. (Oh yeah, there is also The Pale and John Van Duesen)
Been hooked by all the cool things Google has produced.
Purchased my own domain name.
Got pissed at Fox for cancelling Firefly and probably cancelling Arrested Development
MANY other things - you can see my blog archive for posts throughout the year or you could talk to me!
A few things I would like to accomplish this year:
Get in better shape (is there anyone who doesn’t say this?).
Finish (the majority of) my masters at Regent College with at least a few decent grades.
Do more photography that I could have prints made of, you know, professional like.
Start working on my Masters in Education.
And NUMEROUS other things which you will (hopefully) be able to read about throughout this coming year.
So Happy New Year’s to everyone! I pray you will be blessed throughout and learn much.
-Matt Jones

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AWESOME! What a great post to start off the new year!