I have been tagged!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know that I did. Services on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day were great, I really enjoyed them. I am really glad that my church decided to have services on Sunday (see “No Christmas For You” for the some discussion on the original decision to be closed for Christmas). There was actually a very good turn out for the morning service (yay!). Our family gatherings were fun (even if overwhelming at times). I am looking forward to heading down to Woodland to see more family either tomorrow night or Wesnesday morning. Yay for Christmas!
I have never been tagged before, but apparently, it was the time for that! Laura of Pursuing Holiness has tagged me! As a respectable blogger [heh], I have taken up the challenge. My answers are in no particular order unless a particular order makes me seem more pious and holy.
7 things to do before I die:
7 things I can�t do:
7 things that attract me to blogging:
7 things I say most often:
7 books I love:
7 movies I watch over and over:
This was really difficult as there are a lot of movies that I love and watch over and over…
Thanks for the tag Laura!
-Matt Jones
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