Calvin and the Resurrection
“Whatever now exists in us that is unworthy of heaven does not hinder the resurrection.” (Institutes III.xxv.7)
“Whatever now exists in us that is unworthy of heaven does not hinder the resurrection.” (Institutes III.xxv.7)
I think John Calvin has to be one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever come across in all my studying, not merely for the whole TULIP thing but for his entire theology based around the whole concept of the sovereignty of God. He certainly had some mighty profound things to say!
I’ve been curious to know… are you a calvinist?
Calvin is quite an interesting person! He also wanted his theology to be entirely Biblical and his arguemtns are filled with scritpure passages. He has certainly written much and often says it in a very meaningful (although sometimes dense) way.
Sctirctly speaking I am not a Calvinist in the sense that I don’t hold to all of his distinctives (I have some issues with Unconditional election and Limited atonement - although some say that Calvin wasn’t even that strong on limited atonement). But I grew up in the Presbyterian church and would still consider myself in the reformed tradition even if not a 5 pointer.
That most definitely sounds reasonable
I sure hope it does!
I think I am actually a proponent of both Free Will and Predestination - if that is possible.
Here are a few of my thoughts: Predestination and Free Will
actually it makes perfect sense!! I believe myself to be a something of both Free Will and Predestination too!! Calvarminian we call it… or perhaps Armalvinist??
I’ve just started cracking into Ben Witherington’s new book “The Problem With Evangelical Theology” and it takes Calvinism to task for a full chapter. Really engaging stuff! Anyhow, it’s worth some study; not that you need more books to read at the moment.
Otherwise, I’m mostly convinced that the Bible puts us right in the tense middle of “being saved” and “working out our salvation”. Experientially, it’s where we rely completely on God’s grace to obey, but at the same time keeps us honest with ourselves when we try to live in unrepentant sin. I don’t know if that puts me in the “prefreewilldestination” camp; but I really don’t think calvinism deals with the complexity of “keeping the faith” very well. There’s this one line that Winterington loves to spout and it’s “You’re not eternally secure until you’re securely in eternity.” If that sounds too Arminian to you - you gotta read his chapter against Arminianism!
I like “Calvarminian”.
I think what it comes down to is that both school are missing something. The Bible seems to suggest that both are the case and we might want to suggest that this is part of the “mystery of God” and embrace it as such. I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t study it, but that there is something to be said for not always having the answers and entering into the mystery.
Sounds like a pretty interesting book Jae, I suppose I will have to read it sometime… Christmas?… Summer? Well sometime… or you can give me a summary.
(PS since we didn’t get to chat this weekend, I will try to email you all the numbers for Regent.)
I like that phrase: “You’re not eternally secure until you’re securely in eternity.” Regardless of being the the predestination or free will camp, this is a solid statement about faith.