Spam Karma 2
I have been hit with a lot of spam comments lately (older posts so no one but me probably noticed) so I decided to add a new plugin to WordPress. Spam Karma 2 seems to be a really popular and well designed plugin so I will be trying it out. If you post a comment but it doesn’t get through (doubt that will happen though), just let me know! Back to reading Calvin’s Institutes!
Evil, evil spam! I get a lot of it too and it is not so cool!
Seriously! What is wrong with people that they feel the need to “share” their wonderful products? Evidence for total depravity I think.
I know that blogger has ways to block spam so you should look in to that!
Since I started Spam Karma 1 day ago, it has blocked over 40 spam comments!
On the bright side, if you don’t have a popular blog, spammers can’t find you to spam you.
WordPress has an Akismet plugin that is excellent also, if for any reason you ever switch from Spam Karma.
Haha, very true. Yeah, when I upgraded to WordPress 2.0, I saw that it is now built in, kinda a nice feature for sure!