
May 19th marks the 1 year anniversary / birthday of my blogging experience. It has been a pretty fun year and am glad to be blogging. I hope to keep it up as it is a good way to keep in contact with people, take note of experiences, and explore interesting (I hope) topics.

To celebrate this blogversary or blogday I have created a page for reminiscing. I really enjoyed my high school experience and was blessed to have really good friends. It is hard to see how we have gone our separate ways, but that is part of life I suppose. I have always enjoyed taking pictures and that was quite true in high school. My pictures from high school page contains a bunch of pictures that I finally scanned from high school. It was great fun to look back and remember all the good times we had together. I hope you enjoy some of them as well, even if you don’t know anyone!

Here are a few from the page:

Seiji Okamoto, Jennifer Maneja, Matt Jones, and Dan Williams

Me, Jere Ann, Seiji, Jennifer, Lisa, Mike, and Katie.

You should stop by!

Categories: Blogging, Daily Life, Photoblog
  1. May 19th, 2005 at 08:02 | #1

    Congratulations :)

  2. May 22nd, 2005 at 08:48 | #2

    Hey, congratulations! Mine was a couple of weeks ago too.

    I’d love to know why you blog. Would you mind sharing it in this post: ? I’m sure my readers would be interested in your story :)

  3. May 22nd, 2005 at 12:56 | #3

    god, you know what’s funny? when anyone asks if i’ve changed from high school my natural reaction is to say no. when obviuosly i’ve changed a ton. hopefully our camping/boating/whatever reunion we do will work out! *excited*

  4. May 22nd, 2005 at 23:55 | #4

    Thanks for the congrats!

    I think we all probably think we haven’t changed much, I certainly don’t think I have, but in reality we probably have changed in our own ways. I am definitely looking forward to seeing people!

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