Stan Grenz

Stanley Grenz - 1950-2005
While on my community group’s retreat to Galiano this weekend, we were informed that Stan Grenz passed away of a massive brain hemorrhage. Grenz was a professor at Carey Theological College (kind of a “sister” college to Regent on the UBC campus) and taught classes at Regent as well. I never had a class from him, but know that many looked to Grenz as a mentor and leader. He meant a lot to the community of professors and his loss will be deeply felt this week at Regent I have no doubt.
Check out his webpage for more information about him and his life. Please pray for his family and friends as they figure out how to live without Stan.
The following I pulled from Glenn’s blog as I felt it was quite fitting. This is an excerpt from Henri Nouwen’s devotionals:
It is often in our absence that the Spirit of God manifests itself. When Jesus left his disciples he said: “It is for your own good that I am going, because unless I go, the Paraclete [the Spirit] will not come to you. However, when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth” (John 16: 7;13). It was only in Jesus’ absence that his friends discovered the full meaning of his presence. It was only in his absence that they completely understood his words and experienced full communion with him; and it was only in his absence that they could gather in a community of faith, hope, and love.When we claim for ourselves that we come to our friends in the Name of Jesus - that through us Jesus becomes present to them - we can trust that our leaving will also bring them the Spirit of Jesus. Thus, not only our presence but also our absence becomes a gift to others.
I wish that I had been able to get to know Stan or take a class from him, but his Legacy will live on.

Stan and his family.
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