The United Nations: How the Antichrist will rise!

No, I am not actually a premillenial dispensationalist, but it was an attention grabber, eh? That being said, the United Nations must be stopped!

The UN, as an organization is a miserable failure that the US should make every effort to remove itself from. In one post, the Diplomad suggested that instead of increasing the number of permanent seats on the UN Security Council, France gives their seat to Japan (as there is already a member of the EU on the council and Japan give a crap load of money, it makes sense that they are part of the council). I would suggest another solution, give them our seat and we will just leave the UN all together.

The UN is so filled with corruption and mismanagement of funds it is amazing they have lasted this long. The UN has been all talk and no action for years. Yes, some sanctions worked on Saddam, but the UN was largely unable to threaten Saddam nor take any action against him to get him to comply. Their solution, we give the US permission to invade Iraq but will whine and complain a lot if they actually do.

Let’s take a look at Sudan. Do you people realize the atrocities going on over there? Again, the UN is ALL talk. “Please stop killing people, it isn’t nice. If you don’t, we might have to talk to you more.” I am not really an advocate of the US acting as “world police” but how long are we supposed to wait? Even before we invaded Iraq we had waited a good amount of time after we had been given the go-ahead. Eventually action just had to be taken (I know there are many of you that disagree with this and suggest that diplomatic solutions should have be found regardless of how long it took). How long should the US sit back and wait for the UN to resolve the issue in Sudan? I think we should have gone in ages ago, probably before we even went to Iraq. For some reason we continue to think that if we just wait long enough the UN will come through for those people. This is a false hope. The UN has failed here, completely, it is hard to dispute that.

If that wasn’t enough, let us look at the Tsunami disaster. I point, again, to the Diplomad for some interesting insight into the UN response here, here, (definitely) here, here, here and especially here. (Ok, you really should read them all) If the UN was a non-profit organization they would have been laughed out of the business because of such high overhead and lack of response to need. If I had sent money to the UN I would be pissed that it is not being used.

Here is a thought, donate to World Vision, they are already there, have been there a long time, and will continue to be there when all the media leaves.

I offer these links as other examples of the ineptitude of the UN:
WaPo article on the exploitation of girls in the Congo by UN Troops.
Donald Sensing on the UN’s failure in the Congo
One article on the Oil for Food Scandal. There are MANY examples that could be shown for this, if you want to find out more about this HUGE scandal, just do a Google Search or check out Instapundit.
A Roundup at the Belmont Club on the Oil for Food scandal
An article on corruption at the UN by The Diplomad.
UNICEF and its “bloated bureaucracy” by The Diplomad.
WaPo article on a UN official who may have blocked inquiries into corruption.

The Antiprotestor has a great summary of UN failures, definitely check it out.

The links can go on and on.

There are so many reasons to leave the UN, but will that ever actually happen? People just seem to think that we need some sort of global organization, maybe we do. If we do, the UN is not that organization. Most people think that the UN is generally good, but I’m not really sure why. I think most people just don’t really know what the UN is or does. To most people it is just a name of a “powerful” global organization and therefore it is a good thing. I don’t know if that view will ever actually change. It is probably just as likely for that view to change as it is for the UN to change, I hope not.


Categories: Politics
  1. Max
    May 28th, 2009 at 13:43 | #1

    The Un is the greatest tool of Satan in our times. It is bringing about the final Antichrist Marxist global dictatorship. For the last few years it has already brought about the characteristics of the antichrist forcing its will upon small countries to make them accept the funding and furtherance of the worst genocide in the history of mankind, abortion and birth control pills.

    All small countries are falling for the demonic marxist propaganda of things like “international agreements” and vague smokescreen language meant to utterly avoid telling the truth, so they can accept the UN wishes and implement abortion and birth control pills and sodomite agendas in every country of the world.

    Only war can hold back some of the UN forces from taking over the whole world. Small countries must use force if threatened by the UN to implement their satanic genocides in their countries. The UN marxist genocidal whores must be stopped from controlling the whole world. In the Bible it does say that the antichrist will have violent opposition, all who wish to fight to protect the preborn from the UN abortionist genocidal agendas MUST leave all abortion tax funding and UN supporting nations and build cities and countries of refuge and protect them by force from all outside attacks, or they will all be murdered, thrown in prison or similar if they refuse to bow down and fund the abortion genocide with their taxes.

    THE UN IS A DAMNED SATANIC GROUP funding the worst genocide in the history of the world, do not in any way let its propaganda seduce you.

    The final exodus has begun.

  2. May 28th, 2009 at 17:37 | #2

    Heh. While I am firmly against the UN, most of what you said is nonsense. The UN isn’t going to take over the world, it will continue to be completely ineffective and useless. They are a waste of money and resources, but they are not actually a tool of Satan.

    I find it strange that you group abortion and birth control pills. They are not even remotely similar.

  3. Michael
    October 19th, 2010 at 05:15 | #3

    Dear Matt

    Sorry dude, but what Max said is not ‘nonsense’. Your general opinion, which I read to be: you dont want no UN, you want a STRONGER UN, is nonsense.

    I wont try to convince you, because you dont want to hear it. But dont cry when the UN is putting a chip into your hand and not letting those who dont have one, buy food

  4. October 23rd, 2010 at 00:30 | #4

    The UN could never pull itself together long enough to actually do anything coordinated enough to force people to have a chip in their hand. They are completely ineffective.

  5. Scott Perry
    January 12th, 2011 at 01:06 | #5

    The UN is unfortunately mankind’s last and best hope for our survival of the advent of the nuclear bomb. It isn’t the UN’s fault that it was born with both hands tied behind it’s back. The UN was created without any army, no guaranteed funding, no genuinely democratic governance structure, and no real authority. Is it any wonder that it looks like a toothless lapdog of the US?

  6. January 12th, 2011 at 16:12 | #6

    I hope you don’t actually believe that? The UN is our best bet? The UN is inept. How do you figure the UN is a lapdog of the US?

  7. Scott Perry
    January 16th, 2011 at 05:26 | #7

    Lapdog of the US? How about, the appoitment of all new UN secretary generals must first be approved and endorsed by the US. All UN enforcement actions of the UN must also be similarly pre-approved. All Security Council Resolutions must….. and the list goes on.

  8. January 16th, 2011 at 10:42 | #8

    When the US is the largest supplier of money and man-power, we should absolutely have some semblance of control over what OUR resources are used for.

  9. Max
    March 1st, 2011 at 13:54 | #9

    “most of what you said is nonsense…they are not actually a tool of Satan.”

    Everything you said is wickedness, and you along with them are a tool of Satan.

    “I find it strange that you group abortion and birth control pills. They are not even remotely similar.”

    I find it even more strange that you claim to be a Christian. Everyone here should know you are clearly a tool of Satan himself and your shameless indifference exposes your true agenda of hell. You even add to it your total support of the worst genocide in the history of the world: Abortion.

    Until this tool of Satan deletes the link, everyone can read the facts about the birth control pill in free books such as this one from Randy Alcorn. Matt Jones is a total liar and a propagandist for this genocide by his wicked false statement about birth control pills.

    Birth Control Pill is a Chemical Form of Abortion

  10. March 1st, 2011 at 15:59 | #10

    Lots of haters around lately. Haha. I love a well reasoned argument… not that Max had one, I just like them in general. It is too bad they can’t seem to be found around here.

    I am just going to respectfully (ok, not really, he wasn’t respectful at all) disagree. I agree that abortion is wrong and should be stopped. But I’m all for birth control pills, yes, even in difference to Mr. Alcorn.

    Nice of you to call me a liar and a propagandist though, clearly you know me well…

    July 18th, 2011 at 12:04 | #11

    Matt speaks the truth. The UN spwes out declarations that goes against the teachings of the lord.

    Take of look on the declaration of womens rights, who spews out doctrine that is in DIERCT OPOSITION to the word of God.

    If they were not, the declaration on womens rights would state clearly that Man is the head of the woman, and the head of the man is Christ.

    The entire declaration on womens rights is an attempt to destoy the God-given hiarchy betwen the order between men and women.

    When has the Un ever decleared the women are beneth Men, as God has ordained? Never.

    Instead the UN pushes its own agenda, that is the detruction of faith,
    and the UN is an attempt to put themselves above God.


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