Tsunami Disaster Satellite Photos

I have created a page with many before and after photos of the tsunami disaster taken by satellite from DigitalGlobe. I would definitely check out their site. The page with photos and links will take a while to download because of the number of images, I apologize for that, but it is worth it.

The pictures are very heart-wrenching. The amount of damage staggering. The loss of life is nearly surreal. Please pray, along with me and many others, that God will comfort people in their time of need. Also pray that God will show the people of south-east Asia just how fradgile life is. Only God has given us true life, all our material things will fade away. We need to cherish life, the one that God has so graciously given to us.

Here are the satellite pictures.

Here is a selection of pictures the NY Times has put together as well, worth checking out.

Please also check my other post for contact and other Tsunami information: Tsunamis and the news.

Thanks, God bless and Shalom

Categories: Around the World

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